Saturday, September 10, 2016

SE475 - First Post and Basic Setup

What's up everyone?

So, this is my first post (it's in the title) and let's see where this goes.

Visual Studio and Perforce successfully setup?

Yes, took a lot of time downloading the VS with update 3 but I have it up and running with no problems (so far, let's hope it stays that way). As for Perforce, I already had it setup when I was in Fall quarter 2015-16 in Optimized C++ with Keenan.

Any problems?

Long download and install time of VS 2015 might've been bad, but I'd consider it more as an inconvenience than a problem. Setting up a new work space in Perforce was easy, so no problem there.

Closing comments

Other than making this post look longer and a little more professional, I successfully managed to setup everything correctly. Actually, there is one question lingering in my mind: Am I doing this whole blog thing right? I'll leave it as it is for now.

I'll keep you posted.

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