Wednesday, September 21, 2016

SE475 - Branching, Merging, and Refactoring (Submit 9 - 16)

What's up everybody!

So I finally finished Homework 2, and learned how to branch and merge in Perforce. Also, refactored SeLinkList to be a double linked list.


I really thought I'd screw this part up, and I almost did! Turns out it was a lot simpler than it looks, all I had to do was right-click the folder with the project, click branch, and in the branch window, type the folder target name  HW2_DL(.../student/agarcin/HW2_DL/...). After seeing the preview of the branching, and several tries later to not get errors, I finally was able to create the branch, and start coding in that branch.

Merging nightmares

I admit, the title is very exaggerated but merging can be a pain if not done properly. when merging the branch to the main codeline, it nearly went as smooth as I wanted but there was my first conflict in main.cs. Fortunately I previewed the merge first and then noticed that there was only 1 conflicting file. I used the Merge tool window(?) and started resolving each file, one by one and making sure there we're no further conflicts. Since main.cs was going to be refactored, I kept the original file and then just refactored it as asked in the Submit 16.

Well, that was fun! branching can e very helpful when you want to try out some new code you just thought about, without ruining the main code.

I'll keep you posted, but until then, back to work!

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