What's up everybody!
Sorry I'm late in posting updates, but I've been busy lately. I've finished steps 1 through 8 and I'd like to talk a little about how things are going with Perforce (I gotta do it anyway, it's part of my grade).
Understanding the basics
The first two submits were fairly simple add and submit. After I added the numPlayers variable and tested the Class in the main function. Then I added the SeLinkList class to the project (Although I should've called it SeLinkNode, but that's not the point of the class). Pretty much everything from here to Submit 5 is ok and I fully understand what's going on and how it works in perforce.
Removing and Recovering
This is were things got a little interesting for me. I remember in Keenan's Optimized C++ class we're he told us to never remove a file in perforce (or something about not deleting the file in the depot, I can't remember well), so I never touched the remove option, until now. I've done deleting before in GitHub, so I hoped it would be no different or difficult in perforce. Fortunately, my worries where laid to rest when I recovered the file (Submit 6).
Extra stuff!!
So, I've taken the liberty to add a few extra functions in the SeLinkList class and Player class for future submits (hopefully I'll need them) but Submits 7 and 8 are pretty much straight forward. I hope to get the last 8 Submits up and running by Wednesday before 1:00 p.m.
Love to stay and keep coding, but I got a plane to catch tomorrow.
I'll keep you posted, but until then, I'm going to bed.
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